For our Preliminary Task we had a small set of brief objectives to achieve. The main aim of the task was to film an actor entering a room (match on action, shows continuity), converse with a second actor in that room then finally the actor leaves. However we must film a match on action shot, use the 180 rule (keeping the camera on side of the imagery line) and film shot reverse shot (in order to gain clear imagery of the conversation. theactors are having). After viewing the footage I believe we successfully did this. Previously we had to create a storyboard for each step in the film, I drew the images needed to explain and Melissa helped annotate. After completing the story board we began looking for a location to shoot. After a long diliberation we decided to shoot the task in school as it was effient location that had good lighting, so we began to film.
We decided on the roles we would pursue when filming; Jade and Melissa took upon the task of Director and Camera Lady, while Charlotte and myself were actors. Each member of the group was very strong within their roles, Melissa partically learnt some valiable knowledge from her camera work that would consqeuently help her with the rest of the course, her camera work was slightly shakey if the task was to be completed a second time I would advice to use a Tripod.
If we was to complete the task a second time I would look to improve on the following aspects:
- Use a tripod to gain less shakey camera work.
- Shoot a better selection of clips so that we have a choice in what to use and what to dismiss.
- Spend less time on deciding on what location to shoot in.