Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Research: Effective Film Openings- Case Study 1- The Emperor's New Groove


The opening shot displays lighting that is dark and dull; the lighting used, reflects the mood of the film. At this point the audiences are able to make out a back lit silhouette of a llama, audiences are now aware of at least one of the characters in the film. From this first scene the audience can establish that the target audience for this film would be generally children and families.The non-diegetic music is interrupted by a non-diegetic voice over of the narrator who explains that he used to be the emperor until he was turned into a llama, this insight explains to audiences what the plot of the film is and will determine whether audiences will continue to view the film. The font used in the opening of the credits is gold, this reflects the wealth and fortune that the main character has (or used to have). The mood changes as a flashback appears in bright colours and lettering, while upbeat music is being sung by Tom Jones. This adds a comical aspect because the Emperor has his own singer who appears during the opening credits and shows a contrasting happier mood to the previous duller mood.


From the begining of the film, the genre and target audience can be easily identified. The film falls in a animation category which generally attracts a family based audience. As with the genre of the film it is clear that it is a comedy, because of the comical speech the characters use and the fact that storyline consists of a talking llama. The genre of this film can help generate a wider audience, with this film being a comedy it can attract an older audience because of it's commical and amusing features.
Introduced to characters who of which are depressed in the begining but as the mood changes to a fun one so do the characters. This develops the story because you identify both the narrative and character at this stage, making the audience be drawn in and want to continue to watch. 

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